Mando's mother died when he was 3 years old. While his step-mother was kind and gentle, his father's alcoholism spiraled out of control. At first, it was a few days of missed work, but eventually, Mando and his step-mother were both beaten regularly. Then one day, Mando's father grabbed him by the collar and threw him into the arms of a human trafficker. His step-mother knew there was nothing to be done; Mando was a slave.
He was taken to a rock quarry and forced to work as hard as men twice his age. Mando worked full days with almost no food or water, and he shivered through nights with no shelter or blankets.
In Spring 2019, Mando was rescued by one of our field teams and was brought to live at The CFC Children's Home. Today, he is attending school again, and he loves playing games with his friends. His favorite class is his native language of Telugu, and someday he hopes to advocate for children in abusive situations.
When you sponsor Mando, you take care of his needs for food and education. You'll get updates from time to time about how you've made a difference and learn about the significant things happening in his life.
When you do what you can For One, you help end child slavery for good.
Dozens of other children are waiting to be connected with a sponsor. See their stories.
*The name used is a pseudonym to protect this child’s identity.