Jeni's single mother became ill because of the lack of access to clean water. When a human trafficker offered to give Jeni work a place to live, Jeni's mother had no idea that he was going to sell her to a rock quarry. Once she arrived in the quarry, Jeni's new life was worse than she could have ever imagined.
Jeni was given a single meal at noon, and the rest of the daylight hours, she loaded trucks with granite chips. Her clothes were torn, and she had to beg clothes off of other women in the mine. After many months of this, Jeni became ill from pure exhaustion to the point that she passed out while working. Soon after that, she was rescued by one of our field teams working nearby and brought to a safe house to recover.
She now lives at The CFC Children's Home where she has friends and goes to school. She has recovered from her exhaustion and malnutrition. She is now in the 6th grade, and she wants to become a doctor. She loves listening to music, and her favorite class is English.
When you sponsor Jeni, you take care of her needs for food and education. You'll get updates from time to time about how you've made a difference and learn about the significant things happening in her life.
When you do what you can For One, you help end child slavery for good.
Dozens of other children are waiting to be connected with a sponsor. See their stories.
*The name used is a pseudonym to protect this child’s identity.