Indira's parents thought she was a burden, and always preferred her elder brothers. When her father's business began to suffer, he sold Indira to a local rock quarry. In the quarry, she was forced to work inhumane hours and was subjected to repeated, violent sexual and physical abuse. In the Spring of 2020, she was rescued from the quarry, but continued to suffer nightmares for sometime.
Today, Indira is 15 years old, and she lives at The Sylom Children's Home. She wants to learn a trade so that she can own her future. She has enjoyed her English classes, too.
When you sponsor Indira, you take care of her needs for food and education. You'll get updates from time to time about how you've made a difference and learn about the significant things happening in her life.
When you do what you can For One, you help end child slavery for good.
Dozens of other children are waiting to be connected with a sponsor. See their stories.
*The name used is a pseudonym to protect this child’s identity.