
An Indian girl writes on a desk in classroom as she recovers from trafficking
History Classroom
History Classroom
History Classroom

History Classroom

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Educating children rescued from slavery makes an amazing impact on those individuals, but also on the society in which they live. Understanding the big picture of history is critical for children to process their pasts and their futures. History teaches the rescued kids about how the world in which we live came to be. It also provides them with wisdom to navigate their lives.

Funding this classroom includes a teacher's salary, up to date textbooks, desks, projector, globes and maps. When you contribute to this project, you're making a difference to hundreds of students who are desperate to learn as they recover from slavery and abuse. The gift of education is priceless, and you can participate in a meaningful way by providing this history classroom. 

Our team will get you updates on the progress of the new classroom that you've funded as the supplies arrive and once its in use. If you can't fund an entire classroom, but you still want to contribute towards education, check out our Education Fund



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