
Young Indian male freed from human trafficking or slavery wearing orange and in need of scholarship support and sponsorship

Renesh - Vocational Scholarship

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*Vocational Scholarship gifts recur once a month for 12 months. At that point, you will have fully funded your student's training!*

When Renesh’s father got sick, his family struggled to pay their bills. Renesh wanted to help, so he found a job working in a local rock quarry. The man who hired him promised good pay, housing, and food, but when Renesh got to the quarry, he discovered the man tricked him.

There was no salary and no way to escape - he was a slave.

With only one small meal a day, Renesh often got tired and would fall while carrying heavy stones. Whenever this happened, the supervisors beat him mercilessly. 

After Renesh was rescued in 2019, we started an investigation to locate his family, but they were nowhere to be found. Despite missing his family, Renesh has made lots of friends and loves learning. He’s thrived in school and dreams of having a good steady vocation as a carpenter one day. His training costs $1600 (donate the full amount here) or $133 a month for 12 months. 

When you sponsor a scholarship, 100% of your donation goes to provide Renesh with life-changing training. You'll get updates from time to time on the progress that he is making.

*Names have been changed to protect children's identities.*



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