Ani's sister contracted Polio when she was 3 years old, and in order to treat the disease, his parents scrambled to borrow money. A family member suggested loaning Ani to a rock quarry, and then getting him out when they could repay the money. With no other options to afford the Polio treatment, Ani went to work in the quarry. None of them understood that he'd never be allowed to leave and that they'd never get the salary they had been promised.
In the quarry, Ani transported large rocks to other workers who broke them up with hammers to make gravel. Ani was forced to work 7 days a week, 14 to 15 hours a day in the scorching sun. His body was bruised and cut from the endless work without shoes or proper clothing.
Our field team rescued Ani, and after he had some time to recover physically and regain his strength, he came to live at The CFC Children's Home. Today, he is attending school, and he is a bright student. He loves playing chess and hopes to do well competing locally with other children his age. Someday, he hopes to become a doctor.
When you sponsor Ani, you take care of his needs for food and education. You'll get updates from time to time about how you've made a difference and learn about the significant things happening in his life.
When you do what you can For One, you help end child slavery for good.
Dozens of other children are waiting to be connected with a sponsor. See their stories.
*The name used is a pseudonym to protect this child’s identity.