Tuni was born into a low caste of clothes washers. This meant that her whole life the society in which she lived only believed her capable of one job. As part of that larger societal custom, Tuni's parents performed a child marriage when she was nine. Soon after the marriage, her 11 year old husband died of dengue fever. Tuni was thought to be bad luck. She became an outcast to her family, and they sold her to a rock quarry to be rid of her. Read more about child marriage in India.
Life in the quarry was worse than being sold by her parents. Shortly after arriving in the quarry, she was subjected to a wide variety of sexual abuse. During the difficult work days, Tuni lived in constant fear of what would come at the hands of the men who ran the quarry at night. Then, one day a group of pastors cut the electric fence surrounding the pit in which she lived, and rescued 18 children, including Tuni.
She came to live at The Sylom Children's Home where she is safe and shown the love of God everyday. Tuni started school for the first time, and now, Tuni, former child bride, wants to be a doctor or a social worker. She loves science and reading books. She hopes to make a difference for other children by showing them the love of God that she now has as a source of hope and healing.
When you sponsor Tuni, you take care of her needs for food and education. You'll get updates from time to time about how you've made a difference and learn about the significant things happening in her life.
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Dozens of other children are waiting to be connected with a sponsor. See their stories.
*The name used is a pseudonym to protect this child’s identity.