Kumar's father beat him, his mother, and his sister. His mother eventually committed suicide to escape the beatings, and not long after, Kumar's father sold him to a rock quarry.
In the quarry, Kumar's primary work was crushing granite chunks into smaller pieces with a hammer. Kumar was afraid of the supervisors because they regularly beat children that slowed their work. One day, a report came to one of our field teams about the children working in this quarry, and the team came to the rescue. Kumar was smuggled out of the quarry in a truck carrying rocks by anti-traffickers willing to risk their lives for Kumar and other children.
In the quarry, Kumar suffered lung damage from the rock dust, but with better food, he has started to get stronger. He has started school for the first time, and he is slowly catching up to where he should be. He really likes English class and dreams of becoming a police officer. Several times, our co-workers at The CFC Children's Home have heard Kumar retelling Bible stories to his friends in animated voices. He is so thankful to be rescued and to be safe and loved.
When you sponsor Kumar, you take care of his needs for food and education. You'll get updates from time to time about how you've made a difference and learn about the significant things happening in his life.
When you do what you can For One, you help end child slavery for good.
Dozens of other children are waiting to be connected with a sponsor. See their stories.
*The name used is a pseudonym to protect this child’s identity.